After months of concept, design and development our first official version “VISPA 1.0” is now finally live and ready to be used. I will take you on a journey how VISPA came to life, what it is made for and how you can start.

VISPA is live, it’s pretty awesome and you should definitely try it. We are looking forward to providing everyone easy access to 3D collaboration. Perfect for your collaboration, virtual workshops or even long- lasting virtual project spaces. It’s the Metaverse for Business.
Start with a free account, which will stay free and give you access to all the features. ENJOY!
The Origin of VISPA
More than two years ago we started with our first prototype of VISPA. In all our professional experience, working in different fields and companies, we always wondered why virtual collaboration wasn’t really utilized in large corporations. Experts still travelled via plane to attend a 2h Jour-Fixe with other departments or external providers.

Back then we pitched VISPA and our solution to several companies. However, we realized quickly, that even though everyone agreed that those short term travels didn’t really make sense, they were still a part of the job, they actually enjoyed having. Like a nice „short change of scenery“.
However, innovation experts and multinational project leads confirmed to us that there was a real need for virtualization of collaboration.
Then, as we all witnessed, beginning of 2020 the whole world changed massively.
Suddenly everyone was looking for solutions to collaborate independently from their current locations.
This was the beginning of VISPA and we got a lot of attention. We used this time to gather as much feedback as possible with our prototype. We onboarded big accounts and gave our users a first taste of how powerful 3D virtual collaboration can be.
From Feedback to Concept to Version 1.0
We spent countless hours interacting directly with our users. We watched them using VISPA and asked them for feedback, ideas, pain points and everything else. Even though the feedback was already very positive, the prototype still was a prototype and we knew that eventually we would have to start from scratch to implement everything we learned in a new version.
This was followed by several months of concept work, trying to define mechanisms and logics in a simple and intuitive way for our users. Each feature was designed, prototyped, tested and optimized before there was even a functioning software.
After finishing the concept phase, we prioritized features for our first version and started developing. Our - continuously growing - development team sat down and started BUILDING.
Not everything went exactly as planned but we learned a lot along our journey and after months of development…
The Launch
…We launched VISPA 1.0 on January 24th, 2022.
Everything was built so that 3D collaboration is as simple as using the 2D tools we all know. Just drag and drop everything and let VISPA do the rest. It feels easy & magical. Furthermore, we optimized VISPA group collaboration to accommodate the needs that collaboration experts and participants have.
Typical Use Cases are:
- Virtual Workshops
- Project Kick-Offs
- Virtual Design Sprints
- Team Sessions (e.g. Agile Formats)
- 3D Prototyping
- Virtual Project Spaces
Basically everything that involves a group of people really collaborating, which in our understanding includes “seeing and feeling” how the group interacts.
It feels like GAMING but was made for BUSINESS.
In business, what often counts are the results, but “Having Fun” unfortunately is not a KPI.
We figured: “If the journey is fun, the results will be even better.”
Are you curious and want to try VISPA out? Go ahead and create your free account and get started. You can take your first steps alone, but it makes more sense then start with your team.
At the moment, Version 1.0 is available for Windows, but more things will follow. Our roadmap is absolutely packed and we can’t wait to take you along with us.
About the Author:
Tim is a UX Designer at VISPA. He develops concepts for features, builds visual prototypes and created the whole User Interface. Everything you see and interact with using VISPA…it’s pretty certain, that he played a role in creating it.
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